Submit Your Art or Writing
Why You Should Submit
You will be published in our digital and printed magazine, available both on our website and to purchase at the High School of Art & Design in New York City. This accolade can also go on your resume.
You will receive feedback on your writing/art piece whether you are published or not.
• You will receive a list of scholarships/internships that you could submit to in order to gain recognition and experience in your field.

No Submission Deadline
We are always open to submissions and will roll yours over if you submit it past our issue-specific deadline. Currently, we are looking for submissions for Volume 4.

Writer/Artist Qualifications
• Works may be written in any language (preferably accompanied by a translation).
You must have a current email that you check daily. If your piece is chosen, you will receive an email from our editors notifying you of this and of the next steps to be taken in finalizing your piece for publication.
• We accept simultaneous submissions and work that has been published elsewhere. If your submission is accepted, you must note if the work was previously published. If it is accepted elsewhere after you submit to us, you must notify us immediately. In this case, if we accept it for publication, we will acknowledge the site of the original publication.

• All submissions must be submitted from a personal account with viewing access to anyone with the link.
• Anonymous submissions are allowed; however, we recommend adding your name so you can receive credit for your piece. Those who submit this way may not put this accolade on their resume as we will not be able to verify that the published piece was in fact theirs.
• You must submit your NYC DOE email for proof that you are an Art & Design student or teacher. (If you are a parent or student from another school, please explain in the respective form field.) Even if you submit anonymously, you are still required to submit an NYC DOE email; however, you may skip the last three letters of your email in this case to protect your last name, replacing each letter with a “*”. (Ie. JohnSm***8@…)
• Trigger warnings are required if a piece could be considered uncomfortable for certain readers. Art pieces depicting gore, excessive nudity, or similar themes should not be submitted except under specific circumstances.
• All pieces should not go beyond a PG-13 rating or a soft R rating for writing.
• No specific student names should be mentioned in writing or art pieces (except your own if you so choose).
• If a piece is under copyright, you are responsible for giving us the rights to publish it.
• All pieces should be unique to the student and not be created by any other individual. Plagiarism is strictly prohibited. If a piece was worked on by multiple students, they should be mentioned in the "Name(s)" section of the form below.

Writing Submissions
Length and File Type
• Writing submissions have no word limit. If you are submitting a novel, however, please submit an excerpt, preferably the first chapter.
• We accept writing submissions in .doc, .docx or .pdf formats.
Preferred Formatting
• Color: Black & white
• Font Size: 12-point throughout, including titles
• Font Type: Times or Times New Roman
• Submissions longer than one page should have the page number inserted at the bottom (right or left side) of every page.
• Margins: 1-inch at the top and bottom, and 1.25 inch at the left and right. One space after periods. There should be no extra returns after paragraphs unless you have a meaningful reason for the extra space.

Art Submissions
• Art submissions should be no more than three separate pieces/images. If you would like to request an exception, please complete the contact form.
• You MUST submit art along with an artist statement that is anywhere from 3 sentences to a paragraph long.
• All submissions must be original and may include drawings, paintings, collages, photographs, graphic design, and anything else.
• Digital and physical submissions are accepted. Physical submissions should be submitted in the form of a high-quality photograph.
• We accept art in .jpeg, .jpg, .png, and .pdf formats. We prefer graphic design to be in its native file, either .psd or .ai.
Thank you so much for sharing your work with us. We will contact you within a few weeks on the status of your submission.